6 Reasons To Consider Water Therapy To Treat Back Injury

Water therapy is becoming physiotherapist most used and highly effective forms of treatment. Water therapy has a monumentally positive effect on the body, and as a result, it is really no wonder as to why this has become one of the most popular forms of therapy. So if you have suffered from some form of injury and are in need of some physical therapy here are six reasons that you should consider asking your physiotherapy Newmarket therapist why you should try this treatment.

Water therapy is becoming physiotherapist most used and highly effective forms of treatment. Water therapy has a monumentally positive effect on the body, and as a result, it is really no wonder as to why this has become one of the most popular forms of therapy.

So if you have suffered from some form of injury and are in need of some physical therapy here are six reasons that you should consider asking your physiotherapy Newmarket therapist why you should try this treatment.

6 Reasons To Consider Water Therapy To Treat Back Injury

# 1 – Decreased Load Bearing

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Gravity – and no we aren’t talking about the John Mayer song – is really a burden on the spine, especially for those who have a back or spinal injury. Water therapy is such an excellent treatment as the buoyancy allows for less stress on the spine and the load that gravity places on the spine.

# 2 – Increased Mobility

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Continuing with the buoyancy of the water – because there is so much more freedom that is allowed, the muscles are much more relaxed and the joints are offered more mobility. Movements that were difficult to do or achieve outside are much more comfortable and attainable inside of a pool.

Not only is this great for those who want to move a bit more without the discomfort but it also lends to strengthening the muscles and the joints.

# 3 – Natural Resistant

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To continue with our last entry. The water therapy treatment is excellent because it not only allows for more movement but it also is a great way to strengthen your body. Because the water acts as a natural resistant, it is a great place to get back in shape and strengthen the back.

# 4 – Decreased Pain

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Those who have suffered from a back injury have all been reported to have less stress on their back, and as a result, this is why this has become one of the preferable treatments for people who suffer from a spinal or back injury.

The water is very calming and relaxing, and as we have mentioned in the previous entries, it is a great way to keep from hurting yourself while making yourself stronger.

# 5 – No Falling

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One of the primary reasons why hitting the gym for strength training may not be the best options is because of the fact that specific exercises can cause a person to fall or hurt their spine, or back, even more. In a pool – a person can perform an exercise and if they fall or stumble they will have the water to protect them.

# 6 – It’s Very Fun

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Water therapy is such a fantastic form of treatment Who doesn’t like to go swimming or get their feet wet? The pool is not only great for your physical health but also for your mental and emotional health. Swimming helps to release the happy, feel-good chemicals, and as a result, you are much more relaxed – and relaxation is significant in the healing process.

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6 Reasons To Consider Water Therapy To Treat Back Injury

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